KB Article #178745

License file missing after installation


After installing product via the following command:


--mode unattended

--setup_type advanced -

-licenseFilePath /opt/Axway753/7_5.lic

--enable-components nodemanager,apigateway

--disable-components qstart,analytics,cassandra,apimgmt,policystudio,apitester,configurationstudio

--prefix /opt/Axway753

--unattendedmodeui minimalWithDialogs

The license file is not placed in the apigateway/conf/licenses directory.


Workaround is to manually place the .lic file into apigateway/conf/licenses directory.

If the above install command is run without the '--unattendedmodeui minimalWithDialogs' option the .lic file is placed in the conf/licenses directory.