KB Article #180083
License error: runtime environment does not match license criterion
On startup or install, you see an error message like the following:
Warning: license not valid: api.lic: runtime environment does not match license criterion host.name=
This means that the license data doesn't match the host's information. Sometimes this is from the wrong data being in the license, or the wrong license file being used on the wrong server, because the licenses are tied to IP addresses and hostnames and the host name is treated as case sensitive. Sometimes, the license can't be found, either--the gateway only accepts licenses with the extension ".lic" and so it won't even consider other files.
The best way to see what information the gateway expects the license to contain is to run the info4license command, for example you might run this, replacing /PATH/TO with the install location of your API Gateway:
cd /PATH/TO/apigateway/platform/bin/ ./info4license
The output will be a list of all acceptable criteria. If the license file contains something not on the list provided by info4license, then the license will be declared invalid. You may then have to find another license or write to Axway Fulfillment to get a replacement license file that matches the target environment.
In cases where the info4license program does not exist because installation failed due to the license, it is recommended to obtain a temporary license, perform the install with that, then run the program to find the data necessary for the permanent license. After a matching permanent license is obtained, you can replace the temp license in /apigateway/conf/licenses/ with the permanent license file, then restart to test that it works.
In cases where this advice is followed and it still doesn't work, please contact Axway support and provide the license file, the full error message, and the output of info4license so that they can investigate.