KB Article #178752

Visibility Webdashboard command with several elements is crashing


In CG 1.1.2, there is an issue when trying to resend transfers in CANCELED or DELETE status in the Visibility Webdashboard.

Indeed, when executing the command, an error popup is displayed (see screenshot).

The root cause is a bug during the SQL query generation when the report is "ordered". The ORDER SQL statement is not correctly generated. This can be seen in the .../CentralGovernance/runtime/com.axway.nodes.sentinel_XXXX/sentinel/log/SentinelWebDashboards.log file.

When using Oracle:

ORA-00904: "C95": invalid identifier.

When using MySQL:

com.prelytis.dashboard.interfaces.DashboardException: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'C90' in 'order clause'


1/ Install latest CG 1.1.2 SP (SP4)

2/ Backup the jar file


3/ Copy the jar file in attachment


4/ Restart CG