KB Article #178951

Not able to open SSH/SFTP session from CFT userid (after running the CFT profile)



[system1]:/home/cft20 > sftp system1
OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 100020bf, you have 1000105f
Connection closed

Output of ssh without running CFT profile and after running CFT profile:

[system1]: > su - cft20
[system1]:/home/cft20 >
[system1]:/home/cft20 > ssh system1
cft20@system1's password:

[system1]:/home/cft20 >
[system1]:/home/cft20 > id
uid=882(cft20) gid=881(cft) groups=781(mft),731(sin_kcc),741(dcm_kcc),751(mbv_kcc),761(dci_kcc),20000(dct_kcc)

[system1]:/home/cft20 > . /axwaycftst/cft/runtime/profile
$CFTDIRRUNTIME = /axwaycftst/cft/runtime
[system1]:/home/cft20 > ssh system1

OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 100020bf, you have 1000105f


The reported issue is related to an old version of ssh.

Installing a newer ssh should resolve the problem.

ssh is built with OpenSSH library, which uses OpenSSL library.

On old OpenSSL libraries, version numbering is not handled, thus resulting in conflict like this.

With newer version (>1.0.0 ), the version is checked when loading the library (incorrect number => check next file).

The only thing CFT can do to fix this is updating the OpenSSL version (done from CFT 3.2.4, where we use OpenSSL 1.0.2k).

With env -i, it works : env -i ssh system1