KB Article #179049

How to ROLLBACK a Sentinel Unicode update.

How to ROLLBACK a Sentinel Unicode update.


If you have decided to roll back the change axway.use.unicode=true for any reason, could be database compatibility or performance issues


The below process works only for Oracle database and the user should have access to database. There are 3 tables which are impacted from the above change and those changes need to be rollback


Stop Sentinel


Remove axway.use.unicode=true from server.properties file Located at <Sentienl_home>/conf folder.

Step3: From SQL client update the below tables

------------- Create a SAVE duplicate table for each of following 3 tables---------------

Create table rulevariable_SAVE as select * from rulevariable;

Create table Cyclelink_SAVE as select * from Cyclelink;

Create table Graphicobjecthisto_SAVE as select * from Graphicobjecthisto;

-------------- Delete original files so they can be rebuild (Truncate is faster)-----------------------------

Truncate table rulevariable;

Truncate table Cyclelink;

Truncate table Graphicobjecthisto;

-------------- Alter command is specific to each attribute type VARCHAR---------------

Alter table rulevariable modify varvalue varchar(1024);

Alter table Cyclelink modify parentcycleid varchar(250) ;

Alter table Cyclelink modify childcycleid varchar(250);

Alter table Graphicobjecthisto modify HISTOLINE varchar(4000);

-------------- Insert original data into all 3 tables ----------------------------------------------

Insert into rulevariable select * from rulevariable_SAVE;

Insert into Cyclelink select * from Cyclelink_SAVE;

Inset into Graphicobjecthisto select * from Graphicobjecthisto_SAVE;



Start Sentinel