KB Article #179893
Unable to open the CFTIN DD that is pointing to a dataset with LRECL of less than 80
Upgrading CFT from 3.1 to 3.2
Issue when an LRECL=80 dataset is concatenated with an LRECL=40 dataset
Error: Open Error (Error no 21)
Was working just fine in previous versions.
It is possible to read files whose record length is < 80.
The issue is when PDS or PDS/E are concatenated.
Dataset concatenate with CFT 3.2.4 and higher:
- In case of PDSs concatenation, as specified in the IBM doc "the data set with the largest block size must appear first in the concatenation."
- It is not possible to concatenate PDSs from a different record length with RECFM=FB
Dataset concatenate with CFT 3.1.3 and below:
- It was possible to concatenate PDS(s) with the one with the smaller blksize in first position.
- It is possible to concatenate PDSs with different record length with RECFM=FB
The new restrictions appeared since the use of the file opening routines in language "C" instead of ASM.
Transfer CFT documentation will be updated accordingly from 3.3.2 SP4.
IBM documentations:
The CFTIN reading has been enhanced from version 3.2 to support reading under USS, concatenation files with DD* (which was not possible before)