KB Article #73185

LISTCOM: when special chars are in the SAPPL/RAPPL, listcom output become un-formated


when special chars are in the SAPPL/RAPPL or other displayed field, the listcom output become un-formated


It is related to special EBCDIC chars like "SHIFT OUT" and "SHIFT IN" (x'0E' and x'0F')
Those chars are having direct effect on the way 'unfiltered' display looks (sysout display)

As a workaround/solution, you can redirect the CFTUTIL output into a file using the command 'config type=output,fname=xxxx' before issuing the listcom command.

it is not desirable to get CFT altering/filtering the 'real' content' of any field. So, it is unlikely to get this unwanted feature 'fixed' also,  the solution provided above works just fine.