KB Article #68402

CFTEXT procedure changes since version 2.6.x - was UCONF file


Since version 264, when a CFTEXT is issued with TYPE=ALL parameter, the output file created contains also the CFT UCONF files parameters in addition to the content of CFTPARM and CFTPART files.


To avoid the extraction of the UCONF parameters to be part of the output file, set the unified configuration variable uconf:cft.uconf.cftext to No.

Or, for MVS only, just comment out the following statements in the CFTEXT job (I.E. <target_environment>.INSTALL(PCFTUTIL) )  :

//* Uconf file must be a physical sequential file
//*             DSN=&QUAL..UPARM(CNFENV)
//*             DSN=&QUAL..UCONF
//*             DSN=&QUAL..UPARM(DEFAULT)
//*         DD  DISP=SHR,
//*             DSN=&QUAL..UPARM(DEFZOS)
//*         DD  DISP=SHR,
//*             DSN=&QUAL..UPARM(DEFCUST)