KB Article #181093
CFT 3.6 new installation - Issue with /tmp set with NOEXEC or not writable
The installer have issue related to the use of /tmp
Error messages:
Unable to initialize installer.
Is /tmp writable ?
Is SELinux enabled? You may need to disable it temporarily.
/tmp is set with noexec
/tmp is not accessible by the user
Since version 3.4, we have been using a new installer called 'InstallBuilder'.Indeed, with Installbuilder some files are created in /tmp directory. However, here is a workaround:
* You can create a directory in your HOME (ex: mkdir ~/tmp)
InstallBuilder Documentation:
The system Temp directory is stored in the built-in variable ${system_temp_directory}. In Unix, if the /tmp directory is not writable, it will attempt to use /var/tmp, /usr/tmp and ~/tmp instead.