KB Article #181503

ADVANCED ROUTING: Recursive upload with AdvancedRouting and Folder Monitor


This article shows one method of uploading files recursively. Keep in mind that the configuration is specific since it pertains for a Folder Monitor Site only.


1. Create a Folder Monitor Transfer Site and enable the Allow Overwrite option underneath the Upload Folder field.

2. Create a Route with a single Send To Partner Step and select the Folder Monitor Transfer Site in the Step.

3. Enter the below expression in the Overwrite Upload Folder field:

/full/system/path/${transfer.targetDir.replace(session.subscriptionFolder, '')}/

4. Subscribe the account to an Advanced Routing application and assign the Route created in step #2 to it.

TIP: In the Subscription, you can select to automatically retrieve files from Transfer Sites that preserve folder structure such as S3 and SMB.