KB Article #181517

Description of major CFT and Copilot processes


Description of major CFT and Copilot processes


Below is the description for major CFT and Copilot processes:

- CFTMAIN: This is main Transfer CFT process used to schedule transfers. It controls transfer execution and authorizations.

- CFTLOG: This process is responsible for CFT log files management and is the child process of CFTMAIN.

- CFTTCOM: This process is responsible for managing the commands in COM file and is the child process of CFTMAIN.

- CFTTCOMS: This process manages commands in synchronous mode and is the child process of CFTMAIN.

- CFTMCOM: This dispatcher process controls the relationship between the primary COM file and the specific secondary COM files and is the child process of CFTMAIN.

- CFTPRX: This process is responsible for inter-process exchanges though a TCP/IP connection and is also used to retrieve catalog record information from other nodes in an multi-node architecture. It is the child process of CFTMAIN.

- CFTTPRO: This process giving access to the resources defined in CFTNET object and the application-level protocols declared in CFTPROT object. It is the child process of CFTMAIN

- CFTTCPS: This process is responsible for handling the TCP/IP connections and is a child process of CFTTPRO.

- CFTSSL: This process is responsible for SSL/TLS connections and is a child process of CFTTPRO.

- CFTTRK: This process is responsible for managing message tracking towards Sentinel and is the child process of CFTMAIN.

- CFTTFIL: This process is responsible for accessing files for transfers and is the child process of CFTMAIN. It can be activated concurrently and can be permanent or will stop on completion of the transfers for which it was created.

- CFTDSCAN: This process is responsible for handling folder monitoring feature and is the child process of CFTMAIN.

- copsmng: This is the main Copilot Server process.

- copui: This process is responsible for Copilot UI server and is a child process of copsmng.

- coprests: This is the main Rest API server process and is a child process of copsmng.

- coprestw: This is the Rest API worker process responsible for handling RestAPI calls. It can be activated concurrently and is a child process of coprests.

- copsproc: This process is responsible for handling connections to Copilot UI server and is the child process of copui. It can be activated concurrently and only one connection is made to Copilot UI server per copsproc process.

- copcod: This is the connection dispatcher process responsible for handling incoming traffic as incoming traffic does not connect directly to Transfer CFT processes in a multi-node environment and is a child process of copsmng.

- copnman: This process is responsible for node management and is a child process of copsmng.

- copcoms: This process acts as an interface for COMS communication and is a child process of copsmng.

- copmnwd: This is the Copilot watchdog process responsible for checking that the node manager is alive in an multi-node environment. It is supposed to send a keepalive every few seconds after checking the statuses of the different nodes which requires NFS access and is a child process of copnman.