KB Article #181533

CCSID: character encoding


We found that despite the submission user setting (with CCSID 37) processing appears to retrieve the CCSID from the OPSCHEDULE profile (CCSID 297)

There is of course the notion of CCSID in the JOBs submission parameter. The current solution is to set it to 37.

What are your recommendations on the subject? (force the CCSID on automator, modify the OPSCHEDULE profile...)


To put CCSID 37, I recommend:

  • Either use the CCSID parameter of the SBMJOB command of the job in Automator ( screeshot 2)
  • Either create or modify an example submission profile (EXPLOIT with a value in "CCSID") ( screeshot 1)
  • But above all, do not modify the user profile that launches the "opspserver" process on the AS400.