KB Article #181831

How to: Retrieving the Source File of a Translation Table


We have just installed higher CFT version for a migration in two steps.

We have lost the source of an EBCDIC / ASCII xlate table.

Import fails for XLATE definition.

On the other hand we can see on the old PARM the table from the command: listparm type = xlate, id = xxxx)


A tool is provided in the SAMPLE library to allow the re-creation of the xlate dataset from the CFTPARM content.


It assists in recreating the non longer available FNAME from a CFTXLATE macro using the existing XLATE table located in the CFTPARM file.

Note 1, the job CFTXLATE from the installation library can also help in the XLATE tables creation, it accepts source and destination Code Page to create SBCS xlate tables.

Note 2, when SBCS is concerned, it is best to use an XLATE tables instead of the xCHARSET (more efficient)

Note3, when doing a migration, existing XLATE are taken into account when migrating the CFTPARM.