KB Article #177243

How to get help to implementing CHARSET translation on CFT for z/os


-How to get help to implementing CHARSET translation on CFT for z/os

-Characters translation with CFT, what is the best approch


Available with Transfer CFT for z/os, 2 main JCL tools are delivered to help in implementing character translation.

Check both CFTXLATE and PRXSYS from the installation library.

CFTXLATE will assist in the creation of a user XLATE table and the associated CFT parameters. It allows an XLATE table to be built from a source and target char-set (page code) as long as both the source and the target uses SBCS (Single Byte Character Set)

PRXSYS will assist in getting the full char-set list available on the system. It provides easy steps to test a char-set translation on a character string or on a full file.

PRXSYS provide additional features to help in gathering system and network details useful when working on performances. It also includes a step for XLATE input file generation.


Both JCL are intended to be use as tools to assist in some steps in implementing Transfer CFT flows. Both are delivered as is and only with Transfer CFT for z/os.