KB Article #181833

CFTS02E / CFTS11E / CFTS06E : no execution of post transfer script migrated or busy


We installed Transfert CFT version 3.6 SP3 (from 3.3.2 SP7) and we have an issue with all transfers received:

ERROR CFTS02E_ upload/gen_recv_post_noack_script.sh migrated or busy <IDTU=A0000F33 PART=MFS01 IDF=MSE0220 IDT=I2114353 DIRECT=R>

ERROR CFTS11E Allocation error _ Trying to access temporary file

ERROR CFTS06E Error code SFM_ALLOC : a file name is expected _ Trying to access temporary file

We got the same error with all post-scripts.


As a workaround and to check if it's working without USERCTRL Yes, you can run the below commands:

CFTUTIL uconfset id=cft.server.exec_as_user, value= NO

CFTUTIL cftext type=PARM, id=IDPARM0, fout=myparm_file.txt

Then open the extracted file "myparm_file.txt" and set USERCTRL to NO.

Save the file and update the configuration with the command:

CFTUTIL @myparm_file.txt

cft restart

Normally the post process script should be working fine after those changes.

==> This will confirm that the issue is related to CFTSU Process.

Once it's done, we need to revert back the changes above and follow up the procedure described in the link below section (Transfer CFT starts the CFTSU process)
