KB Article #188082

Handling KPS ObjectExists Error


When deploying configuration from PolicyStudio in API Gateway, you may encounter the following error

ERROR 14/Feb/2024:10:02:33.953 [f0c19:7b81cc65de09bd08aff08b10] java exception:com.vordel.kps.ObjectExists: 
KPS: API Portal_PortalOrganizationStore: Object: {development=false, organizationDn=o=ORG1,ou=organizations,ou=APIPortal, restricted=false, id=efeddedd-9acc-432b-9c6b-81b1d03a6227, enabled=false}, with primary id: efeddedd-9acc-432b-9c6b-81b1d03a6227, already exists.


This issue arises when you copy a KPS backup from one environment (e.g., production) to another (e.g., development) and the target environment already has a duplicate organization with the same name or ID.

To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Backup in the Working Environment: Use the KPSADMIN tool in the working environment to create a KPS backup.
  2. Copy Backup Files: Transfer the generated backup files to the problematic environment (e.g., DEV). Place these files in the following directory:
  3. Restore the Backup: In the problematic environment, use KPSADMIN to clear the existing tables. Then restore the KPS backup from the files you copied into the backup directory.
  4. Restart the Instance: After restoring the backup, restart the API Gateway instance to apply the changes.

For more detailed instructions on using KPSADMIN, please refer to the following documentation: Manage KPS using kpsadmin.