KB Article #46444

CFTTRK process is unable to start and is shutting down


CFTTRK process is unable to start and is shutting down with following messages in cfttrk.out file.
MemMalloc(693331318) = NULL
retrying ...
retrying ...
retrying ...

-- 2007/04/18 13:28:47 - ERROR from AgtFileAllocate
  2007/04/18 13:28:47   Failure allocating memory.


In this situation we have to verify the size of the buffer file in CFT.
If you want, we can take the copy of the file, and then we can delete it. Now when CFT is reinitialized, a new file will be created.
The buffer file name is trktnam.txt. It is existing in CFT home directory in Windows and in <CFT home directory>\fildat directory in Unix.