KB Article #68515

Unable to encrypt the Secure Relay password: "Cannot read from file"


- Sometimes the Secure Relay Master Agent cannot start.
- The issue is random
- The following error is observed in XSR-MA-PWD-FILE.out:

An unrecoverable error occured during SecureRelay master agent operation
com.axway.xsr.agent.AgentException: Cannot read from file 'c:\axway\synchronycluster\gateway\run_time\xsr\tmpXsrPwd.txt' ; check file existance and permissions
at com.axway.xsr.agent.AgentEntryPoint.encrypt(AgentEntryPoint.java:52)
at com.axway.xsr.agent.master.frontend.gateway6114.EntryPoint.<init>(EntryPoint.java:47)
at com.axway.xsr.agent.master.frontend.gateway6114.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:35)


The issue occurs when there is not enough time for XSR MA to create/encrypt the password file.

1. The solution is to increase the value for the following parameter:

Gateway Configuration -> Secure Relay -> Advanced...
"Startup delay max (in seconds) when Secure Relay is started by Gateway"

By default this is set to 30 seconds (and the allowed interval is between 30 seconds and 300 seconds).