KB Article #68940

Secure Relay and non-Secure Relay transfers ?


-- Is it possible for an outgoing transfer to bypass SecureRelay ?
What is the purpose of "Allow Router Agents" option from a remote Site?


* If you have a specific partner for which you do not want the transfer to pass by SecureRelay, you can specify the IP address from the Remote Site in the Outgoing calls bypass SecureRelay for address mask" option.

This way all the transfers to this specific IP address will by-pass the SecureRelay.

The option 'Outgoing calls bypass Secure Relay for address mask" can handle up to 32 masks, separated by a blank space or a semi-colon.

You can use the following wild-card symbols:

* = integer between 0 and 255
? = integer between 0 and 9
Examples of legitimate mask numbers are:


The option "Allow Router Agents" (on a Remote Site) will determine *which* XSR RA will be used for the transfers with that particular partner.
If no option is selected for "Allow Router Agents" then a random XSR RA will be chosen.