KB Article #72097

The connection between XSR MA and XSR RA is done with a delay of 15 minutes


-- When rebooting the XSR RA machine one can observe that the connection between XSR MA and XSR RA is done with a 15 minutes delay.
-- In XSR MA Master.log one can observe inactivity for 15 minutes

11-08-23 09:41:07,480 DEBUG                        NIOCore : Starting select operation, maximum blocking time=892312, 3 keys in key set
11-08-23 09:41:07,480 DEBUG                        NIOCore : Starting select operation, maximum blocking time=892312, 3 keys in key set
11-08-23 09:55:59,792 DEBUG                        NIOCore : Starting select operation, maximum blocking time=12, 3 keys in key set
11-08-23 09:55:59,808 DEBUG                 RepeatingTimer : Timeout for timer: com.axway.niocore.timer.RepeatingTimer@4a7df6
11-08-23 09:55:59,808 DEBUG                      heartbeat : [RA001] Sending hot channel heartbeat


* This is the expected behavior and can be controlled with the following parameter:
Parameter: ma.raContext.heartbeatPeriod
Description: Time between two heartbeats signals on both the hot channel and the multiplexed links.
Accepted values: positive integer representing a time in milliseconds

* The solution can be applied on the XSR MA (Gateway side)

* The following solution will reduce the connection delay from 15 minutes to 5 minutes in case of XSR RA machine reboot
1. Create a file called "advanced.properties" in the "Gateway_home/run_time/xsr/" directory
2. The file should contain:
(This means 300000 miliseconds - 5 minutes)
3. Restart Gateway