KB Article #69261

RECEIVE command request for a group of file define in a CFTSEND set with IMPL=YES works only half the time.


Issuing a RECV command on an IDF defined on the partner side in a CFTSEND set with IMPL=YES does not work as expected.
The CFTSEND FNAME is defined with wildcards that may match several files


IMPL CFTSEND that are set to serve a group of files (wildcards / directory) MUST be retrieved using file = ALL in the receive command.
When IMPL CFTSEND is set for a single file, the basic receive command works just fine.


When the FNAME of the CFTSEND IMPL=YES target a group of file, at select time, the list is constructed and related catalog entries created. The mechanism is then the same than retrieving a list of transfers in HOLD state on the file server and that is why the FILE=ALL is required as per the documentation.

Note: The file = all ensure that the whole treatment in regards of the initial commands will be managed. Therefore, if a partner issue a 2nd receive command (same partner, same IDF) mechanism are set to prevent the reception of any file before the 1st recv file=all is ended.
In such case, the 2nd request will abort with the following error:
DIAGI=660 - REC (PeSIT) - Error 660, ASE 205 on the requester side
The transfer status will be H state
The meaning is : - Transfer aborted by the remote end: no outstanding transfer (and that reflect the very state for that command/request)