KB Article #73832

KEEP force on transfer status C doesn't change the transfer status


KEEP force on transfer status C doesn't change the transfer status when command issued at CFT very start (CRON at CFT start)


When CFT is stopped, no transfer remain in true 'C' state anymore but only in D (even though a forcekill stop may have left C status in the catalog file)

At CFT starts, D state transfers are changed back in C state after a short time, the launch of a cron is asynchronous to this process.

If you want to be sure the KEEP command act on such C state transfers, and this, launching the cron at CFTSTART, you need to delay the keep command.

Note: HALT or KEEP commands will have no effect on a transfer in C status waiting for the very first network answer (after a transfer is in C, no command will have effect if the network calls have not receives an answer)