KB Article #69371

Installation prerequisites for Transfer CFT on Unix/Linux


Certain Customizations are required before starting the Transfer CFT on Unix/Linux systems.
If do not met, might lead to the following errors:

CFTI01F CFT error _ Initializing process CFTTFIL 001 00000028
CFTS05E Error code 00000028 _ Trying to access SYSTEM manager


Prerequisites of the Kernel should be applied properly, such as msgtql, msgmni, etc. to overcome these kind of errors.

The value of msgmni should be modified in particular to overcome the above error.

Steps to do the above:

1. You can retrieve the value of msgmni using the command.
             cat /proc/sys/kernel/msgmni
To operate Transfer CFT, the value of msgmni should be equal to 8192.

2. You can change the values in following ways.

If the kernel was generated via sysctl, by adding the following lines to the file etc/sysctl.conf. Remember that you must restart your system for this change to take effect.
kernel.msgmni = 8192


Enter the command
echo 8192 > /proc/sys/kernel/msgmni
This modification is overwritten when you restart Linux. Use this command in an rc.d script to make sure that the parameter values are taken into account when the system starts.

Detailed information about the customization can be accessed from the Transfer CFT navigator/Copilot interface.
You can access this information by following these steps:
1. Go to
            and type "Customizing Linux" in the search field


2. Go to
            Help-->Index-->TOC-->Platform-Specific Guides-->UNIX Operations-->UNIX Technical Guide-->Customizing Linux