KB Article #173067

Installation error - ./setupUNIX.sh: line 601: /tmp/SynchronyTemp10118/Java_tmp/jre6_64/bin/java: Permission denied


-- Error message when lauching Transfer CFT installation using a non root account:

./setupUNIX.sh: line 601: /tmp/SynchronyTemp10118/Java_tmp/jre6_64/bin/java: Permission denied 
Please verify that the directory "SynchronyInstaller#" has been deleted in the temp directory 


There are 2 possible solutions:


1. Set the variable TEMPORARY_DIR to a different location from /tmp.

The user that performs the installation must have rwx permissions on that new location set for TEMPORARY_DIR.



export TEMPORARY_DIR=/home/userid/temp



2. Check if /tmp is mounted with no execution (noexec) rights at OS level.



cat /etc/fstab


If  /tmp is mounted with no execution rights, contact your system administrator to provide execution rights on /tmp or follow point 1.