KB Article #179317

Unexpected file ( cftkey_* ) created in /tmp folder


At the start of CFT, a file named cftkey_[license_key_number] is created in /tmp folder

(for example /tmp/cftkey_D1R52EB1N5BZBCR67MPYFKSCAG9VONZ43UC17DWPVCH9RSJRBQ2VK5TL)

This file is created there even TMPDIR is redirected for CFT

This file is empty and not deleted at CFT stop


This file is used to ensure only one CFT is using the license key at a time. (the file is locked when cft start and unlocked when cft stop).

Its location is forced in /tmp, and it is not deleted as it can be reused if CFT is restarted, and /tmp is automatically cleaned up anyway.

A custom relocation of this file would allow customer to start more than one CFT with the same license key, and we don't want this to happen.