KB Article #69645

forcedkill command does not kill all remaining processes


Issuing the cftutil -forcedkill command does not kill all remaining processes


The command used in the CFTSTOP forcedkill option, returns PID or USERID depends of the account userID length.
So the forcedkill will not works if the userid is 4 or less chars long but will just works fine with a userid of 8 chars long.

forcedkill option makes use of the command bellow to retrieve PID:
ps -fu UID | grep CFT | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2

When the user id is less than 8, it returns the userid in place of the PID, following command can retrieve the PID
ps -fu UID | grep CFT | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f3

That issue has been addressed within CFT 2.6.4 SP2 and 2.7.1