KB Article #70798



this error occur several times following an IPL or a restart of CFTMAIN.  
When this error occurs the CFT messages cease writing to the JES log and the syslog.


To be browsed by COPILOT, the CFT LOG is allocated as shared, and is UNPROTECTED for potential overlay or erase.
Common issues are :
1) A LOG SWITCH procedure is delayed and is running later, erasing the current LOG
2) CFT procedure is started twice, and is starting with an ERASE of the LOG file.
The second start will fail with message
CFTI31E: file:CFTPARM  dsn id:xxx already in use

Then CFT wil get an error writing the LOG, either a NO REC FOUND, or a TRACK OVERFLOW
i.e :
SYNA01E:      ,CFTT270 ,CFTT270 ,103C,D,FIL00003,WRITE

CFTLOG task will stop after this error, and continue LOG recording only in the CFTOUT

Bypass for case 2 : Allocate a FILE with DISP=OLD in the CFT PROC to prevent this case
Do not add an erase of LOG files in the begin of CFT proc