KB Article #72048

LIST_FI Transfer remains in state "TO_EXECUTE" state=K on Sending a PDS file - synchronous CFTUTIL when list is concerned


Synchronous transfer does not get the right return of the transfer status because the generic catalog entry does not register all possible status


When in homogenous mode, transfer type list generate only one daughter transfer in the catalog (same when IEBCOPY, ADRDSSU, ZIP, TAR are concerned and thus on z/OS but also Windows and UNIX boxes)

An enhancement regarding the generic entry should be available in CFT version 3.x

In the meantime, syntax provided bellow is a good workaround, the swaitcat is looking for the daughter request and no longer for the generic entry.
Note: it is only when homogenous mode is concerned otherwise, multiple daughter can be generated and the swaitcat will ends at the 1st transfer status change from the list.

config  TYPE=COM,mediacom=TCPIP,FNAME=XHTTP://ITEM-55964:30000
send part=bclpm,idf=homodup,ida=&idtu
swaitcat select='(IDA=="%_CAT_IDTU%") && (IDTU!="%_CAT_IDTU%")',states=t  

CFTU00I CONFIG   _ Correct (TYPE=COM,mediacom=TCPIP,FNAME=XHTTP://ITEM-55964:3)
CFTU00I SEND     _ Correct (IDT=I0611565 IDTU=A0000001 )
CFTU00I SEND     _ Correct (part=bclpm,idf=homodup,ida=&idtu)
CFTU25E SWAITCAT _ Error (SWAITCAT_FAILED: reached state H,IDTU=A0000002,DIAG=730,DIAGP=ACR 399)
CFTU00I RETURN   _ Correct (CODE=8)

 -------- ---- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- --- -------- --------
 BCLPM    SFK  HOMODUP  I0611565          0          0   0 LIST_FI  A0000001
 BCLPM    SFH  HOMODUP  I0611570          0          0 730 ACR 399  A0000001

        2 record(s) selected