KB Article #72633

meaning of message "CFTS27E Synchronous communication task error CR=64 ... "


Customert gets this message in CFT log:
CFTS27E Synchronous communication task error CR=64 Channel write error (Invalid message   _ INVALIDE MESSAGE POINTER)

This happens only when he sends big file by using bigger than 1.3 Gb by using synchronous methode. The message appears after the end of the transfer (which is OK anyway) and the CFTUTIL job ends with rc=8


This is a normal behaviour:

- CFTUTIL opens a TCP channel to send the transfer order to CFT Monitor and then waits for the message of transfer end which will send back by CFT Monitor using the same TCP channel.
- CFT Monitor then does the transfer with his partner. (As it's a big one, the transfer lasts long time)
- CFTUTIL reaches the timer so it ends (for timeout) with error code 8, and the TCP channel is closed
- CFT Monitor finishes the transfer and tries to sent transfer end message back to CFTUTIL but the TCP channel was closed (because CFTUTIL is no more in waiting).
- CFT Monitor writes the message in CFTLOG (CFTS27E Synchronous communication task error CR=64 Channel write error)  and continues to work