KB Article #171107

CFTUTIL SEND result error "Channel read error rc=6008" but the transfer is executed by CFTMAIN.


--Synchronous CFTUTIL command fails in error "Channel read error  rc=6008" but the transfer is executed by CFTMAIN

--CFTS27E Synchronous communication task error CR=64 Channel ... in CFT log


--Check the TIMOUT value used in the CONFIG command

--Check CFTLOG about CHSM messages related to HSM Recall

When synchronous CFTUTIL is used, the client (CFTUTIL) do the connect and wait for a 1st answer from the monitor related to the command accepted, this is where the TIMEOUT from the CONFIG operates.

Ensure the timeout value is high enough to cover delay that may be related to heavy system load, HSM Recall......
When delay is related to HSM recalls, option is available from the SGINSTALL (job A12OPTS) where parameter HSMASYNC can be set to turn all HSM recalls asynchronous.

An heavy load of the system can delay the answer expected by the SWAITCAT, be sure CFT is running high priority and is set as a non-swapable application