KB Article #72650

Internal Access Management for copilot users - Internal AM


Before version 2.7.1, without Passport AM there was only the admin.html and index.html pages to control of user access to Copilot.


Since CFT version 2.7.1 SP2 or 2.6.4 SP4 there is the internal Acess Management.

You can affect certain group of users to predefined groups with specific rights.

here it is the different groups with the different rights:

am.internal.role.admin - > Admin role and groups mapping. This role enables you to perform all administrative tasks.

am.internal.role.helpdesk - > Help Desk role and groups mapping. This role enables you to view the log, transfers and configuration.

am.internal.role.partnermanager - > Partner Manager role and groups mapping. This role enables you to create and manage partner.

am.internal.role.designer - > Designer role and groups mapping. This role enables you to manage flows.

am.internal.role.application - > Application role and groups mapping. This role enables application to send transfers.

all thoses role is a List of groups separate with a blank separator.

Group database where group members are defined.
- system: the OS group database (Unix, Windows)
- xfbadm: the xfbadmgrp database (UNIX only)

for ZOS - >

- system: the service 'IRRSEQ00' is used to recall the user's groups from RACF, for example:?

- file: a variable file containing a users list and a groups list

to activate it please set in the uconf:

cftutil uconfset id=am.type, value=internal