KB Article #72709

File creation error - CFTF30W SIFM CREATE : OPEN ERROR


--error in CFTLOG

11/09/28 12:14:03  CFTF01E local file [F:\ABC\XYZ.zip] creation error  39697410 <IDTU=A0000002 PART=TEST IDF
11/09/28 12:14:03  CFTF30W SIFM CREATE : OPEN ERROR <IDTU=A0000002 PART=TEST IDF=IDF.CFT IDT=I2812140>
11/09/28 12:14:03  CFTF30W F:\ABC..XYZ.zip.I2812140 <IDTU=A0000002 PART=TEST IDF=IDF.CFT IDT=I2812140>
11/09/28 12:14:03  CFTT82E transfer aborted                 <IDTU=A0000002 PART=TEST IDF=IDF.CFT IDT=I2812140 101 39697410>


1. Check file system user permission for the folder F:\ABC

2. Provide Admin privilages  to the user to operate the folder.

1. Run CFTUTIL CFTEXT > extract.txt.

2. Edit the fname and wfname in the receiving IDF to <CFT Installation Dir>/runtime/pub or to a location with complete permissions for the user running CFT.

3. Reimport CFT extract ( CFTUTIL #extract.txt)

4. Reinitiate the transfer