KB Article #73851

error : CPF1015 unmonitored by LIBCFTNIV3 at statement 0000000008


random failure in COPSPROP task :
error  CPF1015 unmonitored by LIBCFTNIV3 at statement 0000000008


Reason of the issue:
   When there are several users connected on Copilot GUI, some tasks could fail due to the saturation of internal tables storing informations about submitted COPSPROP      job.

Tips to limit at maximum potential COSPPROP failure
    1 / Modify Copilot parameter file (CFTPROD1/COPCONF) :
        ;ChildProcessTimeout=6000  <== comment

      2 / Limit number of  Copilot users connected simultaneously (max < 3, if possible).

      3 / Stop Copilot server and Copilot client (GUI) regularly (once a day if possible) - in order to free tables in storage -

      4 / Purge regularly (once or twice a week) temporary objects created in library SI_TEMPLIB - in order not to full un-usefully disc space and keep high transfer performance -  
           To start purging process :
                  CALL PGM(CFTPGM1/BACKGRND)