Installation and prerequisites > Electronic Signature > Installing Electronic Signature

Installing Electronic Signature

The Electronic Signature product includes an embedded EBICS Client. This new version is able to handle EBICS T as well as EBICS TS protocols.

You must install Electronic Signature if you require EBICS Client functionality. The exact functionality depends on your license key and the installed options.

The Electronic Signature product is provided in the FEX installation package.

Before installing Electronic Signature, check the prerequisites.

Installation procedure

To install Electronic Signature, proceed as follows:

  1. Download the FEX installation package.
  2. Unzip the package to extract the files.
  3. Launch the Axway Installer using the setup command for your platform:
  4. Install all required products including Electronic Signature.

Details of Electronic Signature installation screens

You might not see all of these screens. Your license key determines the exact dialog that is displayed during installation.

Screen Description
Electronic Signature: Modules

Select all Electronic Signature modules.

If you use Axway Database, select the Administration module.

Electronic Signature: Installation directory Modify the default installation directory if required.
Electronic Signature: License Key Enter a valid license key for Electronic Signature.
Electronic Signature: Transporter Configuration

Select the Axway product you are using as communication layer for Electronic Signature:

  • Interchange
  • Gateway

Only if you selected Interchange

Electronic Signature: Interchange Configuration

Enter host, port, user and password information corresponding to your configuration of Interchange.

Only if you selected Gateway

Electronic Signature: Gateway Configuration

Modify the default installation directory for Gateway if required.

If you have an Electronic Signature T mode license key

Electronic Signature: EBICS Client settings - T mode

Accept or modify the Control Port.

Default = 7091

Electronic Signature: General Configuration

Enter or modify the values as required for the HTTPS port, SMTP configuration, and so on, for your network.

Note: Usage of SSL between the Electronic Signature server and UI is mandatory.

Electronic Signature: Sentinel Configuration

Activate this option if you want to use Sentinel monitoring.

Enter values that correspond to your configuration of Sentinel.

Only if you selected Gateway

Electronic Signature: Allowed EBICS signatures

Select the EBICS signature versions supported by Electronic Signature
Electronic Signature: Shortcuts Select the required shortcuts.

Only if you selected the Windows Services module (on a Windows platform)

Electronic Signature: Service attributes

To create a Windows service, select Service mode and enter the Service parameters.

For Electronic Signature, this creates a service directory that contains the following scripts:

  • installElectronicSignature.bat: Install Electronic Signature
  • removeElectronicSignature.bat: Uninstall Electronic Signature
  • startElectronicSignature.bat: Start Electronic Signature
  • stopElectronicSignature.bat: Stop Electronic Signature
Electronic Signature: Database type Select the type of database.
Electronic Signature: Database options Select the database options.

Depending on the database options

Electronic Signature: Oracle setup or
Electronic Signature: MySQL setup

Review the database configuration parameters. You can edit the parameters if required.
Electronic Signature: Database scripts

Electronic Signature requires various database objects (tables and views). To create these database objects, you can choose from two different options:

Generate and launch scripts - Create the database objects at the same time as installing Electronic Signature. Choose this option if the database user and the storage were prepared before launching the installer. The objects are automatically installed as long as the database schema was correctly defined.

Generate scripts only - Prepare the required SQL scripts without executing them. Choose this option if the database settings were not ready when the installer was launched.
The installer will prepare the scripts to be used by the XDBM (Axway Database Management) tool at a later stage.
After installation, when the database is ready, create the objects inside the database using the XDBM tool. For more information, refer to the Axway 5 Suite Installation and Prerequisites Guide.

Electronic Signature: Access management

Select PassPort AM if you want to use PassPort AM to manage access control.

Only if you selected PassPort AM

Electronic Signature: PassPort AM configuration

Specify the PassPort AM connection parameters.

You can choose whether to activate the SSO (Single Sign On) mode.

What next?

Depending on the choice you made when installing Electronic Signature:

If you have chosen to use PassPort AM, configure PassPort AM for Electronic Signature.

Related topics

Configuring Interchange for Electronic Signature

Configuring Gateway for Electronic Signature

Configuring Electronic Signature

Using PassPort AM with Electronic Signature

Overview of Electronic Signature