Installation and prerequisites > FEX RMA > Installing FEX RMA

Installing FEX RMA

The FEX RMA product is provided in the FEX installation package.

Before installing FEX RMA, see Prerequisites to installing FEX RMA.

Installation procedure

To install FEX RMA, proceed as follows:

  1. Download the FEX installation package.
  2. Unzip the package to extract the files.
  3. Launch the Axway Installer using the setup command for your platform:
  4. Install all required products including FEX RMA.
  5. To enable the RMA filtering user exit, make sure you select the option Enabling RMA for Gateway when you install the RMA Application.

Details of FEX RMA installation screens

Screen Description
Welcome Displays Installer version and Axway support contact information.
License agreement Read and accept.
Installation mode Select Advanced or Standard.
Installation architecture Select Single or Cluster to install multiple nodes.
Installation directory Create a new installation directory or select an existing one.
Select components Select the RMA application and any other components.
RMA Application: Modules

Select all FEX RMA modules.

If you use Axway Database, select the Administration module.

RMA Application: Installation directory Modify the default installation directory if required.
RMA Application: Options

Select RMA Server.

To enable the RMA filtering user exit, select Enabling RMA for Gateway.

RMA Application: License Key Enter a valid license key for FEX RMA.
RMA Application: RMA Server

Enter your network port numbers to be used also in user exit.

Check/uncheck SSL allow renegotiation to enable or disable the renegotiation of the SSL connection between the server and the web browser.

RMA Application: RMA Server: PassPort AM Configuration

Enter the Shared Secret of the passport you want to register.

Enter the Component Instance used to identify RMA.

RMA Application: Enabling RMA for Gateway

Enter credentials required by PassPort AM. This user must be:

  • Defined inside PassPort AM.

  • Be granted at least the "Read authorizations" permission.

Only if you selected the Windows Services module (on a Windows platform)

Electronic Signature: Service attributes

To create a Windows service, select Service mode and enter the Service parameters.

For Electronic Signature, this creates a service directory that contains the following scripts:

  • installRMA.bat: Install RMA.
  • removeRMA.bat: RMA.
  • startRMA.bat: RMA.
  • stopRMA.bat: RMA.

Parameters used to setup this Windows service are stored inside the serviceRMA.conf file.

RMA Application: Database type Select the required database.
RMA Application: Database options Check to test connection to the database.
RMA Application: <DatabaseName> setup Modify the database properties if required.
Ready to Install Click Install and monitor the progress.

After installation

  1. Import into PassPort AM the Roles defined inside the newly installed file: {ROOTFOLDER of RMA SERVER}/conf/passport/rma_csd.xml. For detailed information, see Importing required data into PassPort.
  2. Inside PassPort AM, as administrator, grant RMA roles to the previously defined user[s].

Related topics

Prerequisites to installing FEX RMA

FEX RMA: Overview