KB Article #176109

Active simultaneous transfers displayed in the log does not match the license purchased?


--Active simultaneous transfers displayed in the log does not match the license purchased?
--Unix platform, MAXTRANS set to 1000, the log shows:
CFTI18I On 1000 authorized simultaneous transfer(s), 256 is(are) active


The authorized simultaneous transfers value comes from the License key while active transfer comes from the parameter MAXTRANS.

--On Unix platforms, the uconf parameter cft.unix.active_trans value override the MAXTRANS parameter of the CFTPARM object when you start Transfer CFT using the command: "cft start" or "cftstart". 

--cft.unix.active_trans can be updated so it match the license in regards of the simultaneous transfers

The start command executes CFTMAIN with the argument "/m=. (from uconf value)

If you manually start Transfer CFT by running the command: "CFTMAIN /m=yourValue", the MAXTRANS value will be yourValue

--/m= argument for CFTMAIN set the MAXTRANS value (it takes over the MAXTRANS defined in the CFTPARM)