KB Article #176168

is SPACEVOLA function of Stop/X37 tool compatible with CFT ?.


--is SPACVOLA function of Stop/X37 tool compatible with CFT ?.


--This tool avoid disk space abends (B37, D37 and E37). Software detects these abends, and performs processing according to site rules to change allocation parameters so the abending job or task can continue.

--Disk space abend avoidance provided by this tool is transparent for Transfer CFT that will not see the x37 abend.

--DTS Software ACC and SRC should also be avoided by adding the ByPass DD statement in CFTMAIN Step.

--!!! The specifics of SPACEVOLA function is not compatible with the EXCP file allocation method used by CFT !!!

*Transfer CFTmakes use of following access methods:

Note: Stop-X37 software (or the like) should be avoided for CFT operations where interaction may perturb the transfer activity.

File allocations is part of the transfer exchange already and it become needless to have a 3rd party product to interact with that to avoid unexpected errors.

To bypass Stop-X37, add the below Bypass DD to the Transfer CFT JOB:

//PROIGN DD DUMMY (to Bypass Stop-X37)

To bypass DTS Software ACC and SRC

//ACCIGN DD DUMMY (to Bypass DTS Software ACC and SRC)

More details to bypass a job from SPACVOLA / STOPx37 can be found here:

More details to bypass a job from DTS Software ACC and SRC can be found here: