KB Article #176505
update-store option doesn't work on UNIX/linux
The infrastructure keystore can be modified for the following reasons:
- sample certificate delivered by Axway will be expired
- replace sample certificate delivered by axway by your own certificate
This update is realized executing the script Administration:
./Administration update-store --type ssl_keystore --storepath <path_keystore.jks>
But on unix/linux platforms, this error is observed :
./Administration: line 299: ./setupUNIX.sh: No such file or directory
* The workaround is to replace setupUNIX.sh call by configure.sh in script Administration (line 299):
./setupUNIX.sh Configure InstMode Silent SilentFile $BACKBONE_HOME"/tmp/silent/installer.properties"
./configure.sh -s $BACKBONE_HOME"/tmp/silent/installer.properties"