KB Article #178332

Impossible to select a service pack or patch to remove it


When the script <installation_Directory>/update is launched to unistall a patch or service pack, the target does not appear in the panel "Updates management".
It is not possible to select this patch or service pack and so to remove it even if the script display.sh indicates that a patch/service pack has been installed.



Updates management
Add or remove updates, then type Next to continue
[1] Apply a patch or a service pack
[2] Manage patches and/or service packs installed
[3] Show information about a patch or service pack
Enter a number [1-3] to select an option or (Next, Quit).

The tree of products to update:
1:[] Axway 4.7.0
2:[] AccountingIntegrator 2.2.1
3:[] Rule Engine File 2.2.1

Axway_Installer V4.7.0
AccountingIntegrator V2.2.1
AIRuleEngineFile V2.2.1 SP8


1/ Edit the file <installation_Directory>/Configuration/Install_<ProductName>.properties
example: Install_AIRuleEngineFile_V2.2.1.properties

2/ Notice the path associated to the parameter "InstallDir"
example: InstallDir = /shrrdj/users/shrrdj/AISuite_221/RuleEngineFile221_CobolIT64/AccountingIntegrator/RuleEngineFile/

3/ Go to the folder <InstallDir>/synInstall/synPatch/XXX. XXX is the highest number.
When a patch or service pack is applied, the Installer create a backup folder here to save the files from the environment before replacing them with those supplied in the fix.

>ls -ll
drwxrwxr-x 3 shrrdj shrrdj 4096 Feb 15 2016 001
drwxrwxr-x 3 shrrdj shrrdj 4096 Feb 15 2016 002
drwxrwxr-x 3 shrrdj shrrdj 4096 Feb 15 2016 003
drwxrwxr-x 3 shrrdj shrrdj 4096 Feb 15 2016 004
drwxrwxr-x 3 shrrdj shrrdj 4096 Feb 15 2016 005
drwxrwxr-x 3 shrrdj shrrdj 4096 May 24 16:20 006
drwxrwxr-x 3 shrrdj shrrdj 4096 Jun 27 13:40 007
-rw-rw-r-- 1 shrrdj shrrdj 192 Jun 27 13:41 component.properties
-rw-rw-r-- 1 shrrdj shrrdj 72 Feb 11 2016 database.properties
-rw-rw-r-- 1 shrrdj shrrdj 1957 Jun 27 13:41 update.log

Here there are folders from 001 to 007. It means that 7 patch or service pack were successively installed.
If the current service pack is remove, the files from the folder 007 will be restore and this folder will be deleted.

4/ Verify if the file update.properties exists
- If it exists, check the parameters Component-Version and Update-Version. The values must be the same as those returned by the script display.sh.

- if not exists
copy the file update.properties from the folder <InstallDir>/synInstall/synPatch/[XXX-1] and adapt the parameters Component-Version and Update-Version to be consistent with those returned by the script display.sh.


5/ Launch the script update.sh. It is now possible to remove the patch/service pack.