KB Article #178187

Why the CFT doesn't take advantage of the zIIP processors in a z13 architecture?


Why the CFT doesn't take advantage of the zIIP processors in a z13 architecture?


In regards of CFT, the implementation of the zIIP usage was minimalist without a huge gain in regards of the CPU consumption.

The fact that zIIP usage may offer advantage with some applications (I.E Java and XML-based workloads), with CFT file transfer it is difficult to really take advantage of it.

The changes in the z13 architecture shows that turning on the actual implementation for the zIIP usage in CFT have no real gain in CPU usage/consumption and turn in a high increase of the ESQA usage.

Ziip processing has been reworked from 3.2.4 SP2 to address the problem with ESQA usage. It can now be enabled if needed, the gain will mainly depends of the type of activity.