KB Article #178541

Purpose of the UCONF variable cft.mvs.check_exec


What is the purpose of the UCONF variable: cft.mvs.check_exec


This is a feature to enforce the verification of the EOT procedure.

It has been implemented to ensure the EOT is a JCL and not a simple data file.


_platform_ = mvs

_type_ = enum no yes value

_value_ = no

_help_ = Control procedures submitted Yes:'/', Value:'//* EXEC CFT'.

No --> default, no control

Yes --> verify the 1st char of the 1st ligne is ‘/’

Value --> verify that at least, one of the first five lines start with ‘//* EXEC CFT’

I:E. if value= Value and the file 'MYEOT' to be submitted does not include ‘//* EXEC CFT’ at the start of any of the first five records:

The message CFTS05E is displayed with the information below when the EOT procedure does not match the verification criteria:

CFTS05E Error code Check exec failed:expected value not found

_ Trying to access A021687.CFT326.EOT.EXEC(MYEOT)

It is then followed by:

CFTS02E _ A021687.CFT326.EOT.EXEC(MYEOT) not found <IDTU=D000004N PART=ZOS324…

An this, even if the file A021687.CFT326.EOT.EXEC(MYEOT) exists.