KB Article #179591

CFT Install fails with "Error on task create_key_file_run: Script/command execution: <home>\bin\tmpcreatekeyfile.bat ended with error code nnn" in Install.log


CFT 3.3.2 Installation may fail with error message:

Also in the INSTALL.LOG:

ERROR Error on task create_key_file_run: Script/command execution: 
<home>\bin\tmpcreatekeyfile.bat ended with error code nnn

The error code seen are 1, 6, 255


This issue may be caused by invalid special character entered for the Seed Password in "Generate Encryption Key" panel's:

When entering the password in this panel, there is no message/error shown.
The error is shown during the Installation Phase - Creating runtime environment:

The accepted special characters seems to differ by the OS type. Some character may be accepted by one OS, but could cause this error on another OS.

Do not use any special character that are not listed in the page.
(There is a report of "#" is not allowed on a system. However, that could be the user system keyboard mapping difference.)

June 6, 2018 Package of CFT 3.3.2 fixes some of the character issues.