KB Article #179943

error 130 ERRCOMP0​


large files from USS to USS are ending with error 130 ERRCOMP0

If compression is deactivated transfer is OK.


The PeSIT compression has been done for text file.

It has good compression ratio for text file and in some cases, the compressed buffer may be larger than the origin buffer for binary file.

We can reproduce only when transferring zip files.

We never get the problem with just executable files.

Basically, this is an application error, if we got that error, that means the file should be transferred in binary mode without compression.

Before year 2006, we removed the compression for flrecl > 32000, but it was not good for text file.

So we have reactivated the compression in 2006. When this error occurs, the compression is disabled in the catalog, so you can restart the transfer that will be completed.

The restart is not automatic in order that the customer is advice of the issue in order that he changes the file type.

So, for us the implementation is the correct one and we should not change anything.