KB Article #180173

SAP and HOST values removed/changed after new flow deployment.


CFT is unable to perform file transfers due to missing port and host changed to INADDR_ANY after flow deployment

SAP port was missing and hence transfer are failing in "302" error due to missing port and host after flow deployment


When a CFT acts as server in a file exchange and there is no ACK, the server does not require to know the SAP of the partner.

So if you first create a flow where the CFTPART has a SAP ( it acts as a client in the flow) and then the same CFT with the same partner acts as server, the SAP will be removed.

If you face this use case ( flows between same 2 CFTs when they acting once as client and once as server) there 2 situations proposed by CG:

1) Use the ACK (that will set the SAP fo having a ACK path)

2) Set the parameter force.host.port.on.source.for.pull.flows=true in "<CentralGovernance>/runtime/com.axway.nodes.ume_XXX/conf/com.axway.cmp.cgcft-default.cfg" property.

Using the second solution, the configuration is done only once and it will work for all defined flows.