KB Article #180357

Flow deployed appears in CFT with unexpected CNXIN, CNXOUT, MAXCNX values after the SP8 is applied


New flows created after the SP8

Modified flows after the SP8

Unexpected error 418 MAXCV in CFTs


From CG 1.1.3 SP8, the default values for sessions (cnxout, cnxin and cnxinout pushed from CG to CFT) changed from 64 to 2-2-4.

It can affect customers when existing flows were created without selecting a specific client or server Communication Profile.

A flow change will set the concurrent sessions to the new default values

The same for new flows created when no specific communication profile is selected.

The change has been made so default values pushed by CG match the default values in CFT.

It also ensure we push symmetrical values to avoid unexpected connection errors.

Therefore, the customer can change the values in the client (and server) communication profile.

It also prevent opening too many sessions and reducing the average throughput per session due to the transfers activity an when it is not expected.

When fine tune of sessions capacity is needed for flows, it is highly recommended to defined and assign clients and servers communication profiles accordingly.