KB Article #180667

How the TSOEDIT feature is used by CFT?


How the TSOEDIT feature is used by CFT?

Option from SGINSTAL module (see JCL A12OPTS) or from the UCONF


TSOEDIT option is used when a JCL is submitted to call CFTUTIL, PCFTUTIL or PCFTUTI:

1) The parameter TSOEDIT is used only when reading a CFTUTIL SYSIN (//CFTIN DD ...)

2) The parameter TSOEDIT take effect only when records are fixed 80.

For each record read, when numbers are located in between 73 and 80, the 'numbering' string is saved, then CFT variables are resolved and then the saved string is re-written.

The option can be set in UCONF or the SGINSTAL module, the UCONF value supersedes to the SGINSTAL one.