KB Article #50914

Configuration of cft


CFT configuration


Please follow the following steps to start CFT.

1) Write the license key in the <CFT installation directory>\runtime\conf\cft.key file.
2) Execute profile.bat at <CFT_inst_dir>\runtime\.
3) Execute cftinit at <CFT_inst_dir>\bin\ and it will ask for
   Configuration files(s) :cft-tcp.conf (please specify)
4) Now run cftstart at <CFT_inst_dir>\bin\

Please check the log file in <cft_inst_dir>\runtime\log folder whether CFT started successfully or not.  

5. To make the changes effect in the configuration file please run cftinit at command prompt.(Before that you have to stop the CFT using cftstop     command)
Please follow the above procedure to use CFT 2.5.1 and the remaining procedure is same.