KB Article #63241

Unable to write to an external NAS device


In CFT, this can be manifested by an error code, 115, "Permission Denied".  This can happen because the user launching CFt does not have rights to the NAS device.


1- Open Windows Explorer and ensure that the NAS is accessible with the CFT Windows user.  Ensure that read/write access is granted.  Ensure that the location is mounted and assigned a drive letter.
2 - Ensure that this issue does not OCCUR by starting CFT manually (not as a service), with a user that has rights to the NAS
3- If mapped drive is to be used ensure the UCONF file is set accordingly, collect the result of a listuconf command and check the rootdirs values for the mapped drive.
4- If the Windows Service failed to connect to the the UNC path files, this is a permission issue, as the Windows Service isn''t logged in as a user (even when a specific user has been set for that service).  You must set the logon type to use assigned user credentials. (ServiceProcessInstaller.Account = System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount.LocalService).Me.ServiceProcessInstaller1. (Account, Username, Password properties)...
5- Ensure the CFT Service is using the assigned CFT user