KB Article #71441

Bad values returned from copilot web service


In the copilot.wsdl file provided by Axway, the "CAT_TTIME" field is documented as follows:
    <xs:element name="CAT_TTIME" type="xs:time"/>
This causes the .NET framework to attempt to deserialize the object into the .NET DateTime type.  The value of 0 supplied in the SOAP response from Axway causes a deserialization error for .NET clients as it is an invalid time according to the w3 time format definition. The correct syntax to use in the SOAP response is hh:mm:ss, or 00:00:00 in this case.  This is per the w3 definition.  An explanation of this definition can be found at http://www.w3schools.com/Schema/schema_dtypes_date.asp.  Other fields defined with the "xs:time" type appear to be using the correct syntax.

This is preventing us from returning the "FULL" set of data about a specific transfer (Sentinel tracking ID, etc...) using the "XFER_CAT_SELECT" method.  This should probably go to the same engineer handling my previous issues related to the copilot API and .NET interoperability.


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