Configuring HTTP exchanges

About HTTP

Before you continue

Configuring Gateway as an HTTP server (responder)

Configuring Gateway as an HTTP client (initiator)

Gateway in HTTP exchanges

HTTP is a request-response standard. It is typical of client-server computing. In HTTP, web browsers or spiders typically act as clients, while an application running on the computer hosting the web site acts as a server.

The client, which submits HTTP requests, is also referred to as the user agent. The responding server, which stores or creates resources such as HTML files and images, may be called the origin server. In between the user agent and origin server there may be several intermediaries, such as proxies, gateways, and tunnels.

In Gateway, HTTP is only used to send or retrieve files. Gateway is not a Web Server.

Before you continue...

Make sure you have completed the common configuration tasks described in the dedicated topic:

View common task procedures

Configuring Gateway as an HTTP server (responder)

In Gateway

Step Task Go to procedure
1 Activate the HTTP protocol
2 Create a Virtual File Directory for HTTP


In PassPort

Step Task Go to procedure
1 Add the HTTP protocol to the Remote Partner object


Configuring Gateway as an HTTP client (initiator)

In Gateway

Step Task Go to procedure
1 Activate the HTTP protocol


In PassPort

Step Task Go to procedure
1 Add the HTTP protocol to the Remote Partner object


In Gateway

Step Task Go to procedure
1 Test the outbound connection